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Texas Holdem Flop Statistics

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The odds of getting four of a kind in Texas Hold ‘Em is 4164 to 1. Casinos normally change decks after 15 minutes of steady play, so that the cards can always be fresh and unmarked, as many professional players would be able to remember the certain markings on cards and use that to their advantage. Therefore, I will explain a simple rule, which will help you a lot with Texas Holdem odds. There is quite an easy way to get the answer very fast and we can call it 'the rule of 2 and 4'. If you are on the flop just multiply your outs by 4 and you will get an approximate percentage how likely you are to improve your hand till the river.

Betting Rounds:Before The Flop : Flop : Flop Hands : Turn : River

So you have made it to the flop with what you thought was a decent hand, but you are a little unsure of how to play from here on out. You need some good strategy for playing the flop in Texas Hold'em.

Unfortunately, there are no tables or rules to help you make the best decision like there were before the flop, and you are being forced into making decisions for yourself. Allow me help you find your feet and help you make the best possible plays when the hand starts to open up on the flop...

{Note: If you are looking for a more specific hand guide, have a browse over the article on playing hands on the flop.}

Evaluate the situation on the flop.

The first thing you should do when the flop comes down is evaluate every aspect of the hand, and consider the strength of your cards at this point. This means that you will need to ask yourself questions like:

  • How strong is your hand? (Do you have a pair? Two pair? A straight? And so on.)
  • Do you have a draw? (Could you make a flush or straight when the next card comes down?

In addition to this, you should consider a number of other factors in the hand to help you make a more informed decision. Think about:

  • The size of your stack and your opponents' stacks.
  • Your position in the hand. The later your position the better.
  • How the flop could have helped the other players in the hand.

Now this might seem like a load of stuff to think about just for one small decision, but honestly, it really does help you to make the most profitable play possible. The flop is where a pot starts to get built up, so the last thing you want to do is make a bad play and get caught up in a hand that is going to lose you a lot of money.

The more thought you put in to your decision on the flop, the easier the rest of the hand becomes to play.

For example, you may well have a decent hand like A J on a flop of A T 4 (giving you top pair), but it could easily spell trouble in certain situations. If we neglect to consider the fact that we are first to act and our opponent raised before the flop (and lets say they have a big stack for good measure), we may well end up losing a large amount of our money to their AK. This is a little unfortunate, but for an experienced player a loss like this could have been avoided.

In other instances our A J would have been a great hand to play with, but this example goes to show how thinking outside of the box and not just looking at your own cards helps to get you out of tricky spots (and helps to place you in some sweeter ones).

Think about the future of your hand.

One of the best ways to make a decision on the flop is to think about what you would do on future betting rounds depending on which cards came on the turn and river.

  • Do you have a clear idea of what you will do on the turn?
  • Does it seem as though you could make a profitable play on the turn?

It's all too easy to make your play based on the situation of the flop alone, without considering what could potentially happen further down the line. However, to really ensure that you do not land yourself in a sticky and unprofitable situation later on, you have to think past the play you are going to make on the flop.

Never make a play in the hope that everything will be okay when the turn and river cards come. Good flop strategy involves thinking past the flop itself.

Playing the flop tips.

  • Don't get attached to weak flush and straight draws.
  • Make continuation bets regularly.
  • Don't be afraid to bet with strong hands right away – no need to wait for the turn.
  • Consider using the float play if you know how.
  • You have time to make your decision, so use it. There's no need to rush.

Playing the flop overview.

This article has been a little more on the negative side than I had planned, discussing more of the ways to avoid losing money rather than making money. Although, a lot of the process of making money as a poker player is avoiding the pitfalls that can eat away at your earnings, and you can be sure that there are a lot of these on the flop.

As I always say, you learn winning poker through playing the game, and this is especially true for Texas Hold'em flop strategy. Before the flop you had tables and charts to help you along, but now it's time for you to stand on your own two feet and make decisions for yourself. Now if you want to become a winning poker player, you are going to need to get used to flop play and thinking about each situation, rather than relying on a few tricks for your preflop strategy.

So start playing and learning. Your ability to play the flop well will improve with practice.

Playing a hand.

Go back to the sublime Texas Hold'em guide.

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What is texas holdempoker odds and poker statistics? Majority of the poker players are unaware of these concepts. This article contains the top 20 Texas Holdem poker odds and poker statistics.

Poker Odds & Statistics

Players need to be mindful of the general odds and statistics to improve each of their online poker game rules. The odds and statistics provided below are designed to briefly inform players the probabilities during game play. This is only to serve as a reminder and to put the actual game of poker in better perspective to allow players to make better decisions.

Premium Starting Hands

Top starting hands such as AK suited, double aces or picture pairs can only occur with 2% probability. Thus, it may be quite difficult to get this. This is considered as the another important poker odds and poker statistics.

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics Cheat

Flush Draw

Flush draws will happen to a player about one-third of the time.


Don't Hold On To Suited Cards

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics 2020

Suited cards are great, but they will only guarantee an improvement of barely 3% of a players hand.

Pairing On The Flop

Player's hole cards have only about 33% chance of making a pair on the flop.

Hit The Board

Players can have the chance of making a pair rise to 50% by running their hand with the river. Hill the board is one of the major poker odds and poker statistics.

Talk Straight

Players can obtain eight cards to complete their hand when they flop on a flexible straight draw. Players might have to hit their hand on the river with 32% probability. Ensure to keep track of the pot odds in the process.

Odds of Flopping A Set

The odds of flopping a set on a pair are around 8%. It is advisable to play only if the pot is desirable and attention should not be focused on small pairs.


It is possible for a player to hit four outs about 9% of the time with river and turn cards.

The Bigger Pair Wins

Larger pairs on a head to the head drawing of two pairs have an 80% chance of winning over the smaller pair. For instance, it is better to fold if a player has a queen and they are supposed to bet, raise and re-raise when faced with a king or an ace.

Getting The Perfect Cards

Players have less than .5% probability of getting exactly two cards that they need on the river and if they succeed in getting one of the cards they have 5% likelihood of getting the other card.

Coin-flip Or Race

A coin-flip is a duo against two over cards; the card has approximately 50% chance of winning. Suited over cards have between 46% and 54% probability while non-suited over cards have between 47% and 58% likelihood of winning.

Issues With Kicker

Players have merely 25% probability of winning if their top card is the same with the opponent's top card given that the player's kicker is smaller.

Middle Suited Connectors

Middle suited connectors are liable to straight and flush, and that is why people believe that it is better than aces. However, ace over-pairs have 80% chance of winning over the suited connectors. Dealing a Pocket Pair A player has 6% chance of being dealt a pocket pair.

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics 2019

Flopping A Flush

Players have about 1% of flopping a flush even with suited cards.

Two Pair

There is about 2% chance that a player would flop two pairs. Making Full House by the River A player has about 17% probability of making up to a full house by the river with two pairs on the flop.

Making Full House

There is a 33% probability of making a full house if the player flops three of a kind.

Random Lower Cards

Random lower cards have 35% chance of winning overtime.

Texas Holdem Flop Statistics Rules

Big Danger Hand

In Texas Hold'em, pocket jacks are known as big danger hand. It provides a player below the chance they require to get a survival with the probability of a top card resulting to a flop about 53%.

These are the major texas holdem poker odds and poker statistics.

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